
Embracing Your Inner Cat Lady: Pole Dancing and Feline Friends

Embracing Your Inner Cat Lady: Pole Dancing and Feline Friends

Pole dancers are known for being "cheeky"... in allll the ways lol

So since the media is so very focused on "single cat ladies" we thought we'd pay homage to our little furry pole friends.

Whether you’re a cat owner or simply a cat enthusiast, there’s a special connection between our feline friends and the grace, agility, and strength we strive for in pole dancing; let's look at all the purr-fect ways our cats inspire us and how they can even become a part of our pole practice.

Cats are known for their incredible agility and grace. 

Watching a cat move can be like watching a master class in fluidity and control. 

Their ability to leap, stretch, and balance effortlessly is something every pole dancer can aspire to. Incorporating these feline qualities into your pole practice can help you develop smoother transitions and more controlled movements. 

Natasha Wang has for years been known for her beautiful flow and her love of cats. 

A few years back Arloa Reston and Natasha launched the limited edition X-Purr Pole for cats - check this out - we only WISH we could have brought these into Australia! Such a cute design!

Stretch like a kitty-cat

Just like cats, pole dancers need a combination of strength and flexibility to perform at their best. 

Observing your cat’s stretches and movements can remind you of the importance of a thorough warm-up and regular stretching. 

Pay attention to how your cat stretches its back, legs, and paws—these are great reminders to focus on those areas in your own stretching routine. 

Get playful!

If you have a cat at home, you know they love to be where the action is. 

Creating a cat-friendly pole space can make your practice sessions more enjoyable for both you and your feline friend. 

Ensure your pole area is safe for your cat to explore, with no small parts or equipment they can knock over. Cats often enjoy climbing and exploring, so they may even try to mimic your movements on the pole! 

Well, maybe that's a stretch, but they do love to play along; usually thinking your pole practice time is for their amusement!

Cats remind us of the joy of play. 

Incorporate playful elements into your pole routines to keep your practice sessions fun and engaging. 

Use fluffy props, experiment with different music styles, and let your movements be guided by curiosity and joy, much like a cat exploring its environment.

Let your cat be your Yogi:

Cats are masters of living in the moment. 

They are fully present in everything they do, whether they’re playing, resting, or hunting. This mindfulness is something we can all learn from. 

When practicing pole, focus on being present in each movement, feeling your body’s strength and grace.... 

"be the cat"...

... you get the idea... at the very least, getting playful and silly, can improve the fun-factor of a dull training session.

Many pole dancers find inspiration and joy in their feline companions. 

Anna, a dedicated poler and proud cat owner living in Sydney “Luna’s grace and playful spirit remind me to stay light-hearted and enjoy the process. She often sits nearby, watching my routines, and sometimes even tries to join in the fun!”

Local pole superstar Andrea Ryff started an inititive a few years ago bringing pole and kittens together for stretch classes @achievepolestudio @urbankittensrescuegroup


At X-POLE, we support creating a holistic and enjoyable pole dancing experience. 
Our high-quality equipment is designed to be safe and versatile, ensuring that you can practice confidently, even with your feline friend around :)
Whether you’re practicing indoors or in your backyard, our poles are built to enhance your training experience.

Embracing your inner cat lady can add a unique and joyful dimension to your pole dancing practice. Most of our team own or have owned cats at some point. 

By taking inspiration from the grace, agility, and playfulness of cats, you can enhance your movements and create a more enjoyable routine. Remember to stay present, have fun, and let your feline friend be your guide.

Thanks for being part of this journey with X-POLE Australia. Let’s keep dancing, moving, and celebrating our unique styles!

#PoleDancing #CatLady #GraceAndAgility #Strength #Flexibility #JoyOfMovement #XPOLE #singlecatlady